Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Varus and Valgus Heel Wedge

A varus or valgus heel wedges that can be easily fabricated from our adjustable heel lift, the Triple V Heel Lift are meant to decrease either supination or pronation of the subtalar joint. Improving the stabilization of the subtalar joint with a varus heel wedge or a valgus heel wedge can improve foot, ankle, knee, hip and lower back function. A heel wedge can improve an abnormal heel strike and drecrease painful joint, muscle and tendon motion further up the kinetic chain.

Some examples were a practitioner would us our Triple V Heel Lift with its either valgus or varus heel wedge. A typical patient with limb length discrepancy will have their short leg in subtalar supination to compensate and basicly to get their foot on the ground. As the patient goes through the gait cycle, they will have excessive pronation at the subtalar joint.  If one would place our height adjustable shoe lift into a varus wedge, then the heel (calcaneus) is stabilized at heel strike.

Indications for a varus heel wedge:
1. excessive subtalar joint pronation (flatfoot, collapsing arch)
2. medial ankle sprains
3. shin splints
4. plantar fasciitis
5. posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
6. calcaneal eversion
7. medial knee syndromes

Indications for a valgus heel wedge:
1. excessive subtalar joint supination
2. lateral ankle sprains
3. lateral knee syndromes
4. peroneal tendonitis
5. calcaneal inversion

View our Triple V Heel Lift, the only height adjustable heel lift with a varus or valgus heel wedge.

by Teri Green

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