Thursday, October 31, 2013

Morton's Neuroma Treated With Metatarsal Foot Pads

A Morton's neuroma is a pinched nerve in the ball of the foot. It occurs especially in woman who wear high heels or tight shoes. Metatarsal foot pads can relieve the pain and treat Morton's Neuroma. The pinched nerve is usually in between the third and fourth metatarsal bones. Where the nerve splits to go to the toes is where the nerve get pinched between the bones. When the nerve is irritated and inflamed, the nerve tries to protect itself by growing scar tissue around itself. Unfortunately this just makes the nerve wider and it gets pinched more often. Shoe's that are narrow and have heels can accelerate the development of the Morton's Neuroma.

There are several ways to treat a Morton's neuroma. Some of the more common ways are wider shoes, lower heels, ice, NSAIDs, cortisone injection, orthotics and surgery. One of the easiest and least expensive ways to treat a Morton's Neuroma  is often the most overlooked. It is the simple metatarsal pad. This foot pad comes in felt, foam or gel. One places the metatarsal pad just below (or proximal) to where the MPJ (or ball of the foot). This placement off loads the Morton's neuroma to allow healing and relief. Metatarsal pads come in adhesive or built into an elastic sleeve.  Some patients or doctors call it a Morton's neuroma pad. So here we see how a metatarsal pad can treat Morton's neuroma.

Teri Green
Atlas Biomechanics  

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