Saturday, May 23, 2020

Lambs Wool for Toe Cushion, Padding and Protection

Medical grade lambswool has been used for many foot and toe issues by physicians for centuries.  Unfortunately, newer and less effective cushions are being used by the general public and physicians. Lambs wool is an effective and less costly toe and foot pain treatment option that should be reexamined by physicians and their patients.

The Many Uses of Lamb's Wool

One of the benefits of Lamb’s Wool is its versatility.

1. Crooked hammertoe to prevent corn formation and shoe irritation. To cushion and prevent, just pull a small strand of lambswool and gently rotate one or two times around the digit.
2. Maceration and fungal skin infections between toes. Use a larger strand of lambswool and weave in between all 5 toes to allow air flow. Lambs wool will allow air to circulate in between the toes to dry out over wet skin (maceration).
3. If the tips of crooked hammertoes are painful and need to be cushioned then two small pieces of lambswool would be needed. One small strand is placed over the toe tip and the second is then wrapped around the toe to secure the first.
4. For ballet pointe shoes, a larger piece is wrapped over the first through the fifth toes, covering the tips. Then another large piece is wrapped over the metatarsals to lock in the toe part.
 5. Another way to cushion ballet pointe shoes is to take a large strand and place it into the toe box of the pointe shoe. Then wear the shoe for several minutes. The lambswool will mold to the shape of the dancer’s foot.
6. Lamb’s wool is a natural material that will mold to the shape of your foot and allow air flow. This is not something that a foam, felt or silicone pad can do. More people should try lambs wool for their foot care needs.

Atlas Biomechanics only sources medical grade lambs wool.

Teri Green

Atlas Biomechanics

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