Monday, October 14, 2013

Corn Pads can Prevent Painful Soft Corns

Corn pads can help prevent the pain of soft corns. Soft corns are thickened skin between toes. They usually occur when there is either a crooked hammertoe or a boney spur on a knuckle. If there is excessive friction or pressure on a toe knuckle by another one then the pinched skin will grow more skin to protect itself. But this protection process over does it and a thickened skin or soft corn occurs. The reason it is called a soft corn is because when the corn is in between toes, moisture from sweat gets absorbed by the skin. The corn actually becomes soft, but still painfully.

Corn pads are inexpensive foot pads that are either adhesive felt, adhesive foam or reusable gel. These corn pads off load the pressure and friction on the toe joint preventing the built up of the soft corn.

Teri Green
Atlas Biomechanics

about Atlas Biomechanics: we are a woman owned sports medical manufacturer of Foot Pads, Heel Lifts and Heat Mold Orthotics.

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