Every year Atlas Biomechanics surveys the practitioners who use our Heat Mold, direct contact orthotics. We sent out over 500 surveys and received 214 back. Here are the results of orthotic economics.
1. Practitioners who bill cash for the heat mold, direct contact orthotic is 57%
2. Cash price billed for the orthotic device; mean of $196, range $73-425, mode $185.
3. Practitioners who bill insurance companies for the heat moldable orthotics is 43%.
4. Code used to bill to the insurance company is L3030, 96% using this orthtotic code.
5. Insurance reimbursement for L3030 direct contact orthotic: mean $154, range $78-327.
6. Patients who receive heat mold orthotics after practitioner discusses it with the patient is 31%.
7. Fabricating in partial weight bearing and subtalar neutral is 78%.
8. Medical assistants who fabricate the orthotic device is 32%.
9. Practitioners who have Atlas Biomechanics private label is 59%.
Thanks to all of the practitioners who took time out of their busy schedule to fill out our annual survey.
Teri Green
Atlas Biomechanics