Thursday, April 13, 2017

6mm ( 1/4" ) Heel Lift is the Most Prescribed Shoe Lift for Achilles Tendonitis in 2019

 Achilles tendonitis is frequently treated with in shoe heel lifts. Per our survey with Atlas Biomechanics prescribing practitioners, the 6 mm ( 1/4") heel lift is the most prescribed for their patients in 2019.

Achilles tendonitis is a painful inflammation of the tendon that attaches to the calcaneus ( heel bone). One of the most common and least expensive treatment options is to put a heel lift in the back of the shoe. Putting a heel lift in the shoe will raise the heel bone to decrease the stretch on the Achilles tendon. It will allow the Achilles tendon to relax and heal faster.

A 6 mm ( 1/4 inch ) heel lift will raise the heel just enough to relax the Achilles tendon to allow healing.

Atlas Biomechanics produces two types of 6 mm ( 1/4" ) heel lifts.

1. Cork Heel Lift

2. EVA/Rubber Heel Lift

These heel lifts are produced here in the USA. They come with double sided tape to allow better application.

For Best Alignment and Optimum Control:

1. Place under the shoe's insole.
2. Make sure they are against the back of the shoe.
3. Heel Lifts are firm but will soften with use.

Teri Green
Atlas Biomechanics

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