Monday, June 17, 2019

Indications for a Heel Wedge

Varus or Valgus Heel Wedge can help treat over pronation or supination of the subtalar joint. They a are a simple inexpensive medical device that is placed under the shoe's insole at the back of the shoe.

A varus or valgus heel wedges that can be easily fabricated from our adjustable heel lift, the Triple V Heel Lift are meant to decrease either supination or pronation of the subtalar joint. Improving the stabilization of the subtalar joint with a varus or valgus heel wedge can improve foot, ankle, knee, hip and lower back function. A heel wedge can improve an abnormal heel strike and decrease painful joint motion further up the kinetic chain.

Indications for a Varus Heel Wedge:
1. Excessive subtalar joint pronation (flatfoot, collapsing arch)
2. Medial ankle sprains
3. Shin splints
4. Medial knee syndromes
5. Plantar fasciitis
6. Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction

Indications for a Valgus Heel Wedge:
1. Excessive subtalar joint supination
2. Lateral ankle sprains
3. Lateral knee syndromes
4. Peroneal tendonitis

Atlas Biomechanics manufacturers heel wedges in either rubber or cork here in the USA.

Teri Green
Atlas Biomechanics

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