Friday, July 26, 2019

How to Cushion a Painful Corn on a HammerToe?

Hammertoes are a common foot condition affecting millions of Americans. Unfortunately, many of them have not idea how to cushion a painful hammer toe. When a toe is crooked at the joint it is called a hammertoe. The most common area to become painful is on the top of the joint. The top of the crooked toe will rub against the shoe. Over time, a painful corn will develop. A hammertoe corn is just thick skin from the shoe pressure.

There are many ways to cushion the painful hammertoe corn. One of the most common is to apply a corn cushion pad on the crooked toe. A toe corn pad can be made of foam or felt. The most common is felt. The backing of the pad has adhesive to stick the pad to the skin. A toe corn cushion pad has a hole in it. The hole is situated over the knuckle/joint where the toe rubs on the shoe. This will disperse the shoe pressure around the joint where the corn is located.

Before applying the corn pad, one must make sure the toe skin is clean and dry. Creams or lotion should not be used on the crooked hammertoe before applying the corn pad or it will not stick properly. 

Another simple way to cushion a painful toe corn is with lambs wool. Lamb's wool is woven around the crooked to alleviate the friction and pressure of the shoe rubbing on the hammertoe.

Teri Green
Atlas Biomechanics

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