Friday, July 19, 2019

Rubber Heel Wedges

Rubber Heel Wedges can be used for pronation or supination problems of the foot and ankle. Heel wedges are designed to help align the calcaneus (heel) at the SubTalar Joint during ambulation to limit excessive pronation or supination. Heel wedges improve foot function by stabilizing weak, rotating ankles, knee and lower back issues.

Rubber varus heel wedge is useful for patients with over pronation, plantar fasciitis, heel spur, weak unstable ankles, and medial knee pain. The rubber heel wedge is placed on the medial side of the shoe to treat varus issues. To treat valgus issues, the rubber heel wedge is placed on the later side of the heel in the shoe. 

Atlas Biomechanics' rubber heel wedges are 7 degrees and manufactured from medical grade rubber. They will not flatten out. The heel wedges can be flipped over to treat either varus or valgus conditions.

Research shows that patients with early medial osteoarthritis of the knee were treated with lateral heel wedges and were followed for a period of 7 years and 5 months to 12 years. Those who were treated with valgus heel wedges and analgesics showed a significantly greater improvement in pain score than those treated with analgesics only.

Teri Green
Atlas Biomechanics

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