Monday, November 12, 2012

Heel Lifts to Treat Chronic Lower Back Pain

Heel lifts are an inexpensive simple medical device designed to treat limb length discrepancy. Patients with limb length discrepancy often have chronic lower back pain.

 Heel lifts were studied by the Sackler School of Medicine in Israel to see if adding a heel lift to patients with both chronic low back pain and limb length discrepancy will relieve pain.

They divided patients with Limb Length Discrepancy and Chronic Low Back Pain into two groups. One group was dispensed a heel lift and the other did not receive a heel lift. Both groups received manual therapy.

The results revealed that the group of patients who received the heel lift did significantly better than the group who did not get the heel lift. They stated that adding the heel lift significantly reduced both pain intensity and disability. They also stated that adding a heel lift appears to reduce chronic low back pain and functional disability in patients with limb length discrepancy. The medical school recommended the simple, noninvasive and inexpensive heel lift for treatment of chronic lower back pain.

Teri Green
Atlas Biomechanics,   

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