Thursday, May 14, 2020

Effects of Limb Length Discrepancy on Spinal Motion During Gait

There was a study in Japan to evaluate the effect of limb length discrepancy on the changes in curvature of the normal spine during gait. The researchers raised the heel of healthy volunteers to simulate limb length inequality. Their results showed an asymmetrical lateral bending motion during heel raising gait as compensation for the leg length discrepancy. Lateral bending of the thoracic spine was 4.2 degrees in heel raising gait and only 3 degrees in normal gait. Lateral bending angle of the lumbar spine was 8.1 in heel raising gait and only 6.1 degrees in normal gait. Their conclusion is that patients who have leg length discrepancy are at greater risk of developing disabling spinal disorders due to exaggerated degenerative change. They state that heel lifts may be helpful in treating leg length discrepancy. Spine2003Nov1;28(21):2472-6.

Atlas Biomechanics manufactures heel lifts from medical grade rubber cork and eva/rubber blends. We also product adjustable heel lifts and shoe lifts in 1/8", 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" heights.

Teri Green
Atlas Biomechanics

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