Sunday, October 4, 2020

2020 Heel Lift Study For Post Hip/Knee Replacement Surgery Patients

Heel Lift Study For Post Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery Patients

Heel lifts have been used in post hip and knee replacement surgery patients ever since the surgeries’ beginnings. Atlas Biomechanics' 2020 unscientific survey is from our practitioners who dispense our heel lifts.  Here are the results from the survey. Over 382 health care practitioners who dispense Atlas Biomechanics’ heel lifts responded to our survey request.

1) Practitioners dispensing heel lifts post hip replacement surgery.

Orthopedic Surgeons 35%, Physical Therapists 28%, Chiropractors 22%, Podiatrists 8%, Others 7%

2) Heel height discrepancy found.

9 mm heel height discrepancy 42%

6 mm heel height discrepancy 35%

12 mm heel height discrepancy 11%

3 mm heel height discrepancy 8%

Others 4%

3) Most common complaints of patients with leg length discrepancy post hip replacement surgery.

lower back pain 33%

knee pain 32%

unsteady gait 20%

ankle pain 10%

others 4%

4) Most common heel lift height dispensed

6 mm heel lift 34%

12 mm heel lift 22%

3 mm heel lift 23%

 9 mm heel lift 21%

Thank you to all of our practitioners who completed our survey and who use our heel lifts.

Teri Green

Atlas Biomechanics

About Atlas Biomechanics: We are a sports medical manufacturer of Heel Lifts, Foot Pads, and Heat Moldable Orthotics. Heel Lifts produced are 3, 6, 9 and 12 mm heights. We also produce cork lifts and adjustable heel lifts.

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