Saturday, January 27, 2024

How Heel Lifts Treat Achilles Tendoinitis

 Heel lifts can be a part of the treatment plan for Achilles tendonitis, but it's essential to note that they are just one component of a comprehensive approach. Achilles tendonitis requires a multi-faceted treatment strategy that typically involves rest, stretching, strengthening exercises, footwear adjustments, and sometimes medical interventions like physical therapy or even surgery in severe cases. Here's how you can incorporate heel lifts into the treatment plan:

Consultation with a Healthcare Professional: Before starting any treatment, it's crucial to get an accurate diagnosis from a healthcare professional. They can evaluate the extent of your Achilles tendonitis and recommend the appropriate treatment plan.

Understanding Heel Lifts: Heel lifts are inserts placed inside your shoes to elevate the heel slightly. They help reduce strain on the Achilles tendon by reducing the amount of stretch it experiences with each step.

Choosing the Right Heel Lifts: There are different types of heel lifts available, including over-the-counter inserts and custom-made orthotics. Your healthcare professional can advise you on the best type for your condition. The most common heel lift height to treat Achilles tendonitis is 6mm ( 1/4").

Gradual Adjustment: When you start using heel lifts, it's essential to gradually adjust to them. Begin by wearing them for short periods, and then gradually increase the duration as your comfort level improves.

Proper Footwear: Heel lifts work best when used in conjunction with supportive footwear. Choose shoes with good arch support and cushioning to further reduce strain on the Achilles tendon. Place the heel lift under the shoe's insole so it sits firmly. 

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises: Alongside heel lifts, it's crucial to incorporate stretching and strengthening exercises into your routine. Calf stretches and eccentric heel drop exercises can help improve flexibility and strength in the Achilles tendon and calf muscles.

Rest and Ice: Rest is crucial for allowing the Achilles tendon to heal. Ice packs can help reduce inflammation and pain. Apply ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day, especially after activities that aggravate the tendonitis.

Monitor Progress: Keep track of your symptoms and progress over time. If you experience persistent pain or if your symptoms worsen, consult your healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment adjustments. As the Achilles tendonitis starts to feel improved, many health professionals will dispense a shorter heel lift. If started with a 6 mm ( 1/4" ) lift, then switch out to a 3 mm ( 1/8" ) heel lift.

Remember, Achilles tendonitis can take time to heal, and it's essential to be patient and consistent with your treatment plan. Additionally, if you experience severe or persistent pain, consult your healthcare professional for personalized guidance and treatment recommendations.

Atlas Biomechanics manufactures heel lifts in heights of 3 mm ( 1/8" ), 6 mm ( 1/4" ), 9 mm ( 3/8" ) and 12 mm ( 1/2" )

Teri Green

Atlas Biomechanics

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

How foam toe separators work?

 Foam toe separators are commonly used to address various foot-related issues and to provide comfort during activities like pedicures. Here's how they generally work:

Toe Alignment: Foam toe spacers are often used to help align and separate toes. This can be beneficial for individuals with overlapping or crooked toes such as bunions or hammertoes. By gently pushing the toes apart, these separators contribute to proper alignment.

Relief from Pressure and Friction: Toe separators can relieve pressure and friction between toes. This can be particularly helpful for people who experience discomfort or irritation due to toes rubbing against each other, which can occur in conditions like bunions or toe corns. Toe spacers also help prevent ulcerations in diabetic patients in between their digits.

Foot Pain Relief: In some cases, people use foam toe separators to alleviate foot pain associated with conditions such as Morton's neuroma or hammertoes. By creating space between the toes, these separators can reduce compression on nerves or joints, providing relief.

Stretching and Rehabilitation: Toe separators can be used as part of a stretching or rehabilitation routine for the feet. They may aid in improving flexibility and range of motion in the toes, which can be beneficial for conditions like bunions. After foot surgery, toe spacers can help align digits into their proper position. 

Atlas Biomechanics manufactures Foam Toe Separators here in the USA in many shapes and sizes to protect, cushion and align digits. We produce solid foam and 3 layer toe spacers/separators.  

Teri Green

Atlas Biomechanics

Monday, December 18, 2023

How heel wedges treat plantar fasciitis

 Heel wedges can be a component of the treatment for plantar fasciitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. Plantar fasciitis often results in heel pain, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity.

Here's how heel wedges may play a role in treating plantar fasciitis:

  1. Reducing Excessive Pronation: Overpronation (excessive rolling inward of the foot) is a common factor associated with plantar fasciitis. Heel wedges, when strategically placed within shoes or incorporated into orthotic inserts, can help correct the alignment of the foot. By reducing overpronation, heel wedges aim to decrease stress on the plantar fascia, potentially alleviating pain and inflammation.

  2. Altering Foot Biomechanics: Heel wedges may modify the biomechanics of the foot during walking or running. They can provide additional support to the arch and help distribute pressure more evenly across the foot, reducing strain on the plantar fascia.

  3. Offloading Heel Pressure: Placing a wedge under the heel can help in offloading some of the pressure from the heel and the plantar fascia. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals whose plantar fasciitis symptoms are exacerbated by excessive pressure on the heel, such as during weight-bearing activities.

  4. Improving Shock Absorption: Heel wedges may also enhance shock absorption, reducing the impact on the heel and plantar fascia during activities like walking or running. This can contribute to a more comfortable and less inflammatory environment for the plantar fascia.

  5. Supporting the Arch: Proper arch support is essential in managing plantar fasciitis. Heel wedges, especially when incorporated into orthotic devices, can provide additional support to the arch, promoting a more natural and stable foot position.

It's important to note that while heel wedges can be a valuable component of a comprehensive treatment plan for plantar fasciitis, they are often used in conjunction with other interventions. These may include stretching exercises, strengthening exercises, ice application, anti-inflammatory medications, and lifestyle modifications.

Atlas Biomechanics manufactures two styles of heel wedges. One is a full heel wedge and a smaller medial heel wedge.

Teri Green

Atlas Biomechanics

Saturday, October 28, 2023

How to prevent foot callus with pads

Foot calluses are hardened and thickened areas of skin that develop as a result of repeated friction, pressure, or irritation. While calluses are the body's way of protecting the skin, they can become uncomfortable or painful. Using foot pads can be an effective way to prevent calluses from forming or to provide relief if they have already developed. Here are some strategies to prevent calluses using pads:

Use cushioning pads: These pads are specifically designed to cushion and protect vulnerable areas of the skin. They can help reduce pressure and friction, preventing the formation of calluses. Look for adhesive pads that can be easily applied to the affected area. Foot pads come in felt, foam and gel. 

Choose gel pads: Gel pads are particularly effective at providing cushioning and reducing friction. They can be used on various parts of the body, such as the feet, hands, or other areas prone to calluses. Gel pads are often reusable and can be washed for continued use.

Moleskin foot pads: Moleskin is a soft, durable material that can be used to protect the skin from friction and pressure. You can cut moleskin pads to fit the specific areas where calluses are likely to develop. These pads are typically adhesive and can be secured to the skin easily.

Ensure proper fit of footwear: Ill-fitting shoes can contribute to the development of calluses. Make sure your shoes provide enough space for your feet and that they don't rub or pinch any particular area. Additionally, using cushioned insoles can provide extra protection and comfort.

Keep skin moisturized: Dry skin is more prone to calluses. Regularly moisturize the skin to keep it soft and supple. This can help prevent the development of calluses, especially on the feet and hands.

Atlas Biomechanics is a woman owned sports medical manufacturer of foot pads.

Teri Green

Atlas Biomechanics

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Why Medical Professionals Should Use Heel Lifts In Their Practice?

Medical Professionals may recommend heel lifts as part of their treatment plan for certain patients based on individual assessments and specific clinical indications. Here are some reasons why chiropractors might suggest the use of heel lifts:

Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD): Heel lifts can be used to address a limb length discrepancy, where one leg is shorter than the other. LLD can lead to musculoskeletal imbalances, spinal misalignments, and postural issues. By placing a heel lift under the shorter leg, practitioners aim to level the pelvis and spine, which can alleviate associated pain and discomfort.

Pelvic Tilt and Postural Correction: Heel lifts can help correct pelvic tilts and imbalances in the musculoskeletal system. Heel lifts to address conditions like anterior pelvic tilt or pelvic obliquity, which can contribute to lower back pain and poor posture.

Foot and Ankle Conditions: Patients with foot and ankle conditions, such as Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, or overpronation, may benefit from heel lifts. These lifts can help reduce strain on the affected areas, promote proper alignment, and alleviate pain.

Spinal Misalignments: Chiropractors focus on spinal health, and sometimes, spinal misalignments can be influenced by leg length discrepancies or postural issues. By addressing these underlying problems with heel lifts, chiropractors aim to enhance the effectiveness of spinal adjustments and promote long-term spinal health.

Symptom Relief: Heel lifts may be recommended to provide short-term relief from various musculoskeletal conditions. They can help reduce pain, discomfort, and fatigue associated with walking or standing for extended periods.

Sports Performance: Athletes with specific biomechanical issues may benefit from heel lifts to optimize their performance and reduce the risk of injuries. Medical professionals can assess an athlete's gait and biomechanics to determine if heel lifts are appropriate.

Orthopedic Issues: In conjunction with orthopedic specialists in some cases. Heel lifts may be part of a broader orthopedic treatment plan to address structural abnormalities or assist in post-surgical rehabilitation. Examples are post hip or knee replacement surgery.

It's important to note that heel lifts should only be recommended and prescribed by qualified healthcare professionals, after a thorough evaluation of the patient's condition. The use of heel lifts should be tailored to the individual's needs, and they should be fitted properly to ensure they do not cause further issues or discomfort. Additionally, heel lifts are just one component of a comprehensive treatment plan to address the root causes of musculoskeletal problems.

Atlas Biomechanics manufactures heel lifts in cork and eva/rubber. Heights are 3mm ( 1/8 inch ), 6mm ( 1/4 inch ), 9mm ( 3/8 inch ) and 12mm ( 1/2 inch ). 

Teri Green

Atlas Biomechanics

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

How Callus Pads Help Alleviate Foot Pain

 Callus pads are adhesive cushions designed to provide relief from pain and discomfort caused by calluses on the feet. Calluses are thickened areas of the skin that develop as a result of repeated friction or pressure, often caused by ill-fitting shoes, walking patterns, or certain foot deformities.

The primary purpose of callus pads is to redistribute the pressure on the affected area, alleviating pain and preventing further callus formation. Here's how they work:

  1. Cushioning: Callus pads are made of soft, cushioning materials such as felt, foam or gel. When applied to the affected area, they act as a protective barrier between the callus and the footwear, reducing friction and pressure on the callused skin.

  2. Pressure Redistribution: By providing an additional layer of cushioning, callus pads help distribute the weight and pressure more evenly across the foot. This helps to relieve the localized pressure on the callus and surrounding areas, reducing discomfort.

  3. Shock Absorption: Some callus pads have shock-absorbing properties that help absorb the impact of walking or running, further reducing the strain on the callused area.

When using callus pads, it's important to ensure they are properly placed and adhere securely to the foot. They should be positioned directly around the callused area, providing a protective barrier between the callus and the footwear.

While callus pads can offer temporary relief, it's essential to address the underlying cause of callus formation. Wearing well-fitting shoes, using orthotic inserts or custom-made shoe inserts, and maintaining good foot hygiene can help prevent calluses from recurring. If the callus persists, causes severe pain, or shows signs of infection, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

Atlas Biomechanics manufactures felt, foam and re-usable gel callus pads to cushion painful feet. Callus pads can be shaped in Oval Callus Cushion or U-shaped Callus Cushion.

Teri Green

Atlas Biomechanics

Monday, June 26, 2023

Atlas Biomechanics : Heel Wedges to Treat Over Pronation

Atlas Biomechanics : Heel Wedges to Treat Over Pronation:   Heel wedges, also known as medial heel wedges or pronation control wedges, can be used as part of the treatment approach for overpronation...